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Your Health Insurance in 2025

Every year, changes are made to the basic health insurance. These can be determined by the government or by the health insurer itself. On this page you can find more information about all changes for 2025.

Legal Changes

The government decides which healthcare services are covered under the basic health insurance plan. On Budget Day, it was announced what will change in the basic insurance for 2025. Here’s what to expect.

More information (in dutch)

Preferred Medications Policy

Starting January 1, 2025, we will implement a new policy for medication reimbursement, called the “preferred medications policy.” If you receive a preferred medication, you won’t have to pay a deductible for it. However, you may receive a different brand or packaging than you’re used to at the pharmacy.

More information (In dutch)

Restitution Policy Becomes Combination Policy

The Basisverzekering Restitutie (Basic health insurance Restitution) will change to Basisverzekering Combinatie (Basic health insurance Combination) as of 1 January 2025. Along with the name change, the coverage for mental health care (GGZ) and district nursing will also change if you receive care from a non-contracted healthcare provider. In that case, you will be reimbursed up to 80% of the average contracted rate. For other types of non-contracted care, the reimbursement remains 100% of the market-conform rate. If you go to a contracted healthcare provider, you will receive 100% reimbursement.

If  you start a new treatment in 2025 with a non-contracted provider for mental health care or district nursing, 80% of the average contracted rate will be reimbursed, instead of 100% of the market-conform rate. This means there may be additional costs that you will need to cover yourself.

If you started treatment with a non-contracted provider for mental health care or district nursing in 2024 or earlier, and it continues into 2025, we would like to support you in transitioning to the combination policy. For you, 2025 will serve as a transition year, during which you will continue to receive the reimbursement as per the 2024 terms. Once the treatment ends or the indication changes, your right to the transition arrangement ends. In that case, and from 1 January 2026, your reimbursement will also change to 80% of the average contracted rate.

More information (in dutch)

We will also ensure the best access to healthcare in 2025

That is why you choose health insurance from Aevitae

No Care Cost Gaps or Patient Stops

We believe that healthcare should remain accessible to everyone, all year round. There’s nothing more frustrating than having a surgery postponed or facing a patient stop with your healthcare provider. That’s why, as one of the few insurers, we don’t set care cost gaps with healthcare providers. With an Aevitae health insurance, you have year-round access to care.

More information (in dutch)

The Fysio Zelfcheck app

If you’re experiencing physical discomfort, the Fysio Zelfcheck app, available with our supplementary insurance, helps you assess your symptoms. In just a few simple steps, you’ll gain insight into ways to relieve your symptoms or know when it’s wise to consult a physiotherapist. This allows you to take the first step easily and stay in control of your recovery process. The Fysio Zelfcheck app is available from 1 January, 2025

More information (in dutch)

Second Opinion Royal Doctors

Everyone with a Aevitae basic insurance policy can use the Royal Doctors Second Opinion Service. If you’d like a second opinion on your diagnosis or treatment plan, this service allows you to quickly and easily request one without disrupting your relationship with your current doctor. This way, you gain extra confidence in the decisions you make for your health.

more information (in dutch)

Free Healthcare and Waiting List Mediation

At Aevitae, you benefit from healthcare and waiting list mediation. Once you’ve been referred, we’ll find the earliest available provider for you, starting in your region and, if needed, elsewhere in the Netherlands or even in Belgium or Germany. With our healthcare and waiting list mediation, you can be seen an average of 10 weeks sooner.

more information (in dutch)

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