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FAQ Collectief Zeker Pakket

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FAQ CZP (English)

Additional Information about the Collectief Zeker Pakket

Do I have to inform my employer?

Although this package is offered by your employer, your employer will not receive any information about the healthcare you receive.

Where can I find the policy conditions?

You can find the policy condition for 2025 here.

Has my employer arranged a collective health insurance for me as well?

Are you also insured through your employer? Aevitae offers over 800 group health insurance plans, each tailored to the needs and preferences of employees. Find out quickly on the page below if your employer also arranger a collective health insurance for you.

Find my collectivity 

What reimbursements are included in the Collectief Zeker Pakket in 2024?

The 2024 Collective Zeker Package includes physical therapy after an accident and reimbursement of the mandatory deductible after an accident. Check the Collectief Zeker Pakket terms for more information.

Alle vragen over additional information about the collectief zeker pakket

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